
Lubyani ta tekhnichni kultury

 Vol.6 (11), 2018

ISSN 2307–6429

DOI: 10.48096/btc.2018.6(11).66-80


Myhal Mykola, Laiko Iryna, Mishchenko Serhiy, Kyrychenko Hanna, Laiko Hanna, Biryukova Tetiana
Institute of Bast Crops NAAS


The article presents the results of studies of the conditions for the development of weeds, pests and diseases in the sowing of hemp monoculture. It was found that hemp is well adapted for growing for a long time in one field, providing a high yield of hemp production. It is recommended to grow a monoculture on fiber (harvesting in the phase of flowering plants). This makes it possible to avoid the ripening of seeds of the bulk of weeds and the main periods of harmfulness of pests and diseases. Differences in the degree of weediness of the field were revealed depending on the form and dose of fertilizers. In areas fertilized with manure, there are more weeds than in areas with introduced fertilizers. The large contamination of the fertilized areas is a consequence of the introduction of viable weed seeds together with manure, which is not properly harvested and stored in field shoulders. With an increase in the dose of manure, the number of weeds increases, and an increase in the dose of mineral fertilizers with which weed seeds are not introduced, on the contrary, decreases as a result of an increase in the height of the stalk and its foliage. This is clearly confirmed by the fact that during the period from 3-4 pairs of leaves and to the phase of flowering plants, a large number of weeds die. Indicated on agrotechnical methods of weed, pest and disease control when growing hemp monoculture.


hemp, growing , yield, monoculture, fertilizer

Language of the article



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November 2018

