
Bast and technical crops

ISSN 2307–6429

DOI: 10.48096/btc.2020.8(13).66-75


Yuriі Mokher

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9119-3797

Liudmyla Zhuplatova

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5049-9776

Svitlana Dudukova

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5352-3145



This article analyzes the potential for growing and processing of industrial hemp in accordance with the goals and objectives of sustainable development. Of the 17 sustainable development goals, they meet at least nine. Today it is a niche crop grown by small agricultural enterprises, and the organization on their basis of simple value chains for processing seeds and stems allows to diversify crop production, create new jobs and appropriate economic development of rural areas. The total costs for growing and processing hemp raw materials from 100 hectares of crops directly in the agricultural enterprise amount to UAH 5,7 million, and the income from the products produced by a simple value chain will amount to UAH 12,9 million. Industrial hemp seeds and products made from it are a valuable source of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the optimal combination, so they serve as a basis for the development of the food industry for both regional and international markets. It is appropriate to involve the high nutritional potential of hemp seeds in the organization of a balanced diet, including children of different ages. The cannabinoid system of industrial hemp has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the human body, so the world community is actively involved in the raw materials of industrial hemp in the manufacture of biologically active additives and drugs. The development of this area in Ukraine requires appropriate changes in legislation. A hectare of industrial hemp is capable of forming more than 12 tons of dry biomass, containing up to 80 % of cellulose suitable for the production of various types of paper. The use of hemp in this direction contributes to the preservation of forests and is an effective measure to combat climate change and its consequences. Hemp is a traditional agricultural crop in Ukraine, the cultivation of which contributes to the conservation of biodiversity and agrobiocenoses. Their cultivation has a minimal environmental impact on the environment, and the processing of raw materials is characterized by waste-free production. 


industrial hemp, sustainable development, sphere of use, small agricultural enterprise

Language of the article:



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Desember 2020

