
Bast and technical crops

ISSN 2307–6429

DOI: 10.48096/btc.2019.7(12).64-74


Dmytro Petrachenko, Serhiy Koropchenko


One of the promising directions for the use of industrial hemp seeds is the production of shelled seeds. The core of hemp seeds released from the inedible shell, as a standalone product, contains no digestible components, so it is a more valuable food product than the hemp seeds covered in the shell. The lack of technological equipment for destroying industrial hemp seeds impedes the development of this processing sector and makes research relevant in this area relevant. The effectiveness of oilseed crop destruction depends on the morphological and physico-mechanical properties of the directly treated seed. Finding the best method of destroying the seeds of industrial hemp is impossible without comparing the results of the efficiency of work of different means of operation of technical means. In the process of finding an effective method of collapse by the staff of the Engineering Research Department of the Institute of bast crops NAAS, among other things, the possibility of the collapse of hemp seeds by the method of repeated and single impact was explored. The principal possibility of shelling hemp seeds with the use of a machine type, where the multiple impact method is implemented, has been established. It is determined that this mechanism has several disadvantages. Excessive airflow is formed in the working chamber, which impedes the shelling process and affects the complexity of the structure. As the impeller rotates, the mechanism begins to act as a shredder: there is a significant increase in the fraction of ground seeds, that is, the seeds turn into oil dust. The basic possibility of demolition of hemp seeds by the method of focused single blow (centrifugal machines) is established. It is determined that this mechanism has several advantages, which simplifies the overall construction and principle of operation and is more promising for the sowing of hemp seeds. As a result, the design of a centrifugal stand for the shelling of hemp seeds was developed, the use of which allows to obtain 15.4% of the finished shelled kernel.


hemp, seeds, processing, shelling, mechanism

Language of the article:



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Desember 2019

