збірник наукових праць
DOI: 10.48096/btc.2021.9(14)
Cover page, graduation and graduation data
NAAN 20 research program “Bast Crops”: main results of 2020
Serhii Tkachenko, Yurii Mokher, Liudmyla Zhuplatova, Olesia Morhun
PDF 3-11
Селекція та генетика
Scientific achievements and priority directions of research development in the breeding and seed-growing of fiber flax in the Institute of bast crops NAAS
Larysa Kryvosheyeva, Vasyl Chuchvaha
PDF 12-20
Collection of hemp genetic resources as an initial material for breeding in modern conditions of agricultural production
Hanna Kyrychenko
PDF 21-32
Збирання, переробка, стандартизація та економіка
Organization of the technological process of hemp treatment processing with chaotic arrangement of stems at the hemp plant
PDF 33-41
Developments of the Institute of bast crops in the direction of processing of industrial hemp seeds
PDF 42-50
Some issues of the modern regulatory and legal security of industrial hemp grawing
PDF 51-60
History of the research and design field of activities of the Institute of bast crops NAAS
Oleksandr Holovii
PDF 61-70
Development of the domestic segment of food hemp products and the system of quality control of hemp products at the enterprise
PDF 71-83
ISSN 2307–6429
Copyrights © 2019, Institute of bast crops. All Rights Reserved.