

The Order№ 49/1 Institute of Bast Crops NAAS  from 23.08.2019 agreed the Editorial Board as follows:

Chief Editor

Marynchenko Ihor

Ph.D (Candidat of Tectical Sciences)

Institute of Bast Crops NAAS,  director

Deputy Editor

Mokher Yuriy

Ph.D (Candidat of Tectical Sciences)

Institute of Bast Crops NAAS,  deputy of director

Executive Secretary

Dudukova Svetlana

Institute of Bast Crops NAAS, head of the standardization sector for flax and hemp products

Vaida Jonaitienė

Doctor of Science in the Field of Science in Technology, Materials Science in Engineering

Kaunas University of Technology,
Head of the Department of Material Engineering

Vyrovets Vyacheslav

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Institute of Bast Crops NAAS, Chief Research Fellow

Sheychenko Victor

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Senior Researcher

Zhuplatova Ludmyla

Ph.D (Candidat of Tectical Sciences)

Institute of Bast Crops NAAS,  Scientific Secretary

Kandyba Natalia

Ph.D (Candidat of Agricultural sciences)

Sumy National Agrarian University,

Kryvosheeva Larysa

Ph.D (Candidat of Agricultural sciences)

Institute of Bast Crops NAAS, head of department

Mishchenko Serhiy

Ph.D (Candidat of Agricultural sciences)

Institute of Bast Crops NAAS, Senior Researcher

Chuchvaha Vasyl

Кандидат біологічних Ph.D (Candidat of Biological sciences)

Institute of Bast Crops NAAS, Senior Researcher