
Lubyani ta tekhnichni kultury

 Vol.5 (10), 2017

ISSN 2307–6429


Myhal M.D., Layko I.M., Kmets I.L.

Institute of Bast Crops NAAS


The review article shows the importance of biological research in solving scientific programs of hemp breeding and seed-growing. Thanks to genetic, morphological, anatomical and biochemical experiments, monoecious hemp was created in place of dioecious hemp, as a result of which a single mechanized crop harvesting was possible, highly productive varieties were obtained on fiber and seeds, non-narcotic varieties were created as an important contribution to the fight against drug addiction. It is pointed out the relevance of the continuation of the fundamental research of breeding and seed –growing aimed at improving the methodological methods for further increasing the productivity of varieties, identifying new patterns of cannabinoid genetics for stabilizing of non-narcotics in the offspring at a higher level, for failing to discard spoils in seed crops of monoecious hemp.


breeding, fiber, seeds, hemp, variety

Language of the article



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July 2017

