
Bast and technical crops

ISSN 2307–6429

DOI: 10.48096/btc.2020.8(13).58-65


Dmytro Petrachenko

ORCID: 0000-0002-1347-9562



One of the current areas of processing of industrial hemp seeds is to obtain crushed seeds, which have high nutritional value and are a source of biologically active substances for the human body. The Institute of Bast Crops has developed a centrifugal crusher for crushing industrial hemp seeds, which shows positive results. Since the process of crushing of hemp seeds is little studied, it is logical to study it. It is known that the process of seed crushing is influenced by the properties of the seed (size, degree of ripeness, humidity) and technological parameters of the crusher. Therefore, in the process of research, the variable factors were the fraction of seeds in width (less than 2,5 mm, from 2,5 to 3,0 mm, more than 3,0 mm), seed moisture (8.8 and 21.6%), frequency rotation of the impeller of the crushing mechanism (1500 min.-1, 2000 min.-1, 2500 min.-1). It is established that with the change of each investigated parameter the result of crushing significantly changes, namely the quantitative composition of fractions “core” (crushed seeds), “nedorush” (not completely crushed seeds), “waste” (husk and ground seeds). Among the three fractions, the fine fraction of seeds is less susceptible to crushing, which allows to obtain from 6,82 to 17,61 % of the crushed seeds. The crushing of the middle fraction of seeds allows to obtain from 7,37 to 22,01 % of the crushed seeds. A large fraction of seeds in the process of crushing allows to obtain 10,95 – 23,33 % of the crushed seeds. With increasing humidity, the number of scrushed seeds increases. When processing seeds of higher moisture for each of the three fractions, we obtain an yield of crushed seeds of 1,0 – 3,0 % more compared to the treatment of seeds with lower humidity. The speed of the impeller has an ambiguous effect on the number of crushed seeds. Increasing the speed increases the number of crushed seeds, but until a certain point, after which there is a decrease. The best results for all three seed fractions were obtained at a humidity of 21,6 % and an impeller speed of 2000 min-1.


hemp, seeds, crushing, mechanism, crushed seeds

Language of the article:



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Desember 2020

