
Bast and technical crops

ISSN 2307–6429

DOI: 10.48096/btc.2020.8(13).51-57


Petro Lukyanenko

ORCID: 0000-0001-7731-8103

Oleksandr Riabchenko

ORCID: 0000-0001-6216-9926



The aim is to study the quality indicators of fiber from the constituent stems of hemp at different times of stock retting after harvesting seeds with a combine harvester. A brief description of the work performed. It is investigated that in the process of hemp stock after harvesting the seeds of the combine harvester changes the quality of the fiber produced from all components of the stems. It was established that under the meteorological conditions of 2017, the hemp stock of all components of the stems was aged in November with indicators of breaking load of the fiber: for stems at the root – 25,0 – 25,5 daN, in the area of wheels – 23,6 – 27,5 and threshed in a thresher – 21,7 – 21,8 daN, the mass fraction of hemp scutch 0,5 – 0,7 % and paws – 0,6 – 2,2 %. According to the set of indicators, the fiber produced from stems at the root of both broad-row and continuous crops is evaluated by the second grade, as well as stems in the area of action of wheels of continuous sowing, and other options – the third grade. During further retting of hemp stock in the winter, the breaking load of the fiber produced from all components of the stems is reduced, and more significantly for those components that are more in contact with the ground surface (in the area of wheels and threshed in a thresher). It is established that for the period of spring harvesting of hemp stock at conditioned humidity the quality of fiber produced from stems at the root corresponds to the third grade, and for components in the area of action of wheels and threshed in a thresher it is non-standard in terms of breaking load. Conclusions. It is established that the best quality indicators of the produced fiber from all components of hemp stalks correspond to the autumn selection of hemp stock and decrease during the harvesting process in the spring.


hemp, stem components, hemp stock, fiber, quality indicators

Language of the article:



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Desember 2020

