
Bast and technical crops

ISSN 2307–6429

DOI: 10.48096/btc.2020.8(13).23-31


Iryna Laіko

ORCID: 0000-0002-9462-9509

Hanna Kyrychenko

ORCID: 0000-0003-3609-3141


Serhii Mishchenko

ORCID: 0000-0002-1979-4002



The dependence of sowing density, duration of interphase periods, intensity of plant growth in height by vegetation phases and signs of productivity of the new variety Hlukhivski 51 in comparison with the standard variety Hliana are emphasized. In contrast to the standard variety, the Hlukhivski 51 variety has a number of biological features of the genotype: longer interphase periods, plant growth intensity, fiber layer thickness and primary and secondary cell sizes, which ensures high productivity in terms of stem, fiber and long fiber yields. The high yield potential of the new variety is of great interest to producers of stem processing and fiber production.


hemp, variety, breeding, fiber, productivity, growth and development

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Desember 2020

