
Bast and technical crops

ISSN 2307–6429

DOI: 10.48096/btc.2019.7(12).103-116


Svitlana Bazyl


The article, which is based on the archival documents of the Departmental Archive of the Institute of Bast Crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, examines the research activities of the Institute in 1944 – 1991 of the twentieth century in the field of hemp. It was during this period that the newly established scientific institution was able to fully resume its work after World War II and achieve success in the field of breeding, cultivation, processing and harvesting of hemp. During this period, new high-yielding varieties of hemp were bred that did not contain narcotic compounds, the mechanized process of growing and processing industrial and seed crops, as well as the process of primary processing of stems.


All-Union Research Institute of Bast Crops, hemp, tetrahydrocannabinoid compounds, mechanization, selection, processing, seeds, agricultural machinery

Language of the article:



Vidomchyi arkhiv Instytutu lubianykh kultur Ukrainskoi Akademii ahrarnykh nauk (VAILK), osobova sprava O.H. Bondarevoi, pahinatsiia vidsutnia [Departmental archive of the Institute of Bast Crops of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences (DAIBC), personal file of O.G. Bondareva, pagination is absent]

VAILK, osobova sprava V. H. Vyrovtsia, pahinatsiia vidsutnia [DAIBC, personal file of V.G. Vyrovets, no pagination].

VAILK, osobova sprava S.S. Volovyka, pahinatsiia vidsutnia [DAIBC, personal file of S.S. Volovik, pagination is absent].

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VAILK, osobova sprava M.P. Myhuna, pahinatsiia vidsutnia [DAIBC personal file of M.P. Miguna, pagination is absent].

VAILK, osobova sprava H. I. Senchenka, 202 [DAIBC personal file of G.I. Senchenko, 202 pages].

VAILK, osobova sprava I.I. Shcherbania, 148 [DAIBC personal file of I.I. Scherbanya, 148 pages].

VAILK, Trudyi HHHIV sessii Uchenogo Soveta instituta 7 – 11 oktyabrya 1949 [DAIBC, Proceedings of the XXXIV session of the Scientific Council of the Institute on October 7-11, 1949] 169.

VAILK, Protokol zasedaniya Uchenogo Soveta VNIILK sozyiva 1956 goda ot 13-16 fevralya 1956 [DAIBC, Protocol of the meeting of the Scientific Council of VNIILK convocation of 1956 of February 13-16, 1956], 283.

VAILK, Protokolyi zasedaniy Uchenogo Soveta 1962 [DAIBC, Protocol of meetings of the Academic Council in 1962], 225.

VAILK, Protokol sessii Uchenogo Soveta VNIILK sozyiva 18-21 fevralya 1964 [DAIBC, Protocol of the session of the Scientific Council of VNIILK convocation of February 18-21, 1964], 298.

VAILK, Protokol zasedaniya Uchenogo Soveta VNIILK za 1965 [DAIBC, Protocol of the meeting of the Scientific Council of VNIILK for 1965], 250.

VAILK, Otchet o nauchno-issledovatelskoy rabote za 1968 [DAIBC, Report on research work for 1968], 155.

VAILK, Protokol yubileynoy sessii Uchenogo Soveta VNIILK, posvyaschennoy 50-letiyu so dnya osnovaniya instituta, oktyabr 1981 [DAIBC, Protocol of the jubilee session of the Scientific Council of VNIILK, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Institute, October 1981], 117.

VAILK, Protokolyi Uchenogo Soveta VNIILK za 1983 [DAIBC, Protocols of the Scientific Council of VNIILK for 1983], 260.

VAILK, Protokol rasshirennogo zasedniya koordinatsionnogo soveta – fevral 1989 [DAIBC, Protocol of the extended meeting of the coordination council – February 1989], 179.

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VAILK, Protokolyi Uchenogo Soveta VNIILK za 1991 [DAIBC, Protocols of the Scientific Council of VNIILK for 1991], 134.

VAILK, Protokol rasshirennogo zasedaniya Koordinatsionnogo i Uchenogo Soveta posvyaschennogo 60-letiyu so dnya osnovaniya instituta, 1991 [DAIBC, Protocol of the extended meeting of the Coordination and Academic Council dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Institute, 1991], 60

Tekhnichni kultury [Technical cultures ] za red. H.I. Senchenka. K.: Urozhai, 1982, 176

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Desember 2019

